Working in the USA

It’s the dream of thousands to move their lives to the USA. People who are willing to work hard will get far in America. But there’s an old saying which you’ll need to get used to: Different countries, different customs. On this note, searching for and applying for a job in the USA will not be the same as in your home country. Discover how to find and apply for a job below, along with some tips to consider.

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Jobs in the USA

To work in the USA you must have a permit to live and work in the USA. Meaning that you must have a valid green card or work visa. With either of these, the doors to the American job market are open to you.

To work in the USA you must have a permit to live and work in the USA. Meaning that you must have a valid green card or work visa. With either of these, the doors to the American job market are open to you.

To work in the USA you must have a permit to live and work in the USA. Meaning that you must have a valid green card or work visa. With either of these, the doors to the American job market are open to you.

What are the best fields to find work in USA?

Service sector

The service sector is the main pillar of the US economy. About 8% of all employees work in the service sector. This includes trade, transportation, insurance, media, and banking, in addition to education, communication and information sectors.


The second largest sector is industry. The United States is a leading country in engineering and transportation industries, for example. It also leads the chip and software industry, the chemical sector, medical technology, oil and natural gas production, and is at the forefront of the food industry.

High Tech Industry

Of course, California is known for having the largest entertainment industry in Los Angeles, but it’s the high-tech industry in Silicon Valley that brings in the money. All major tech companies like Apple, Google, Adobe, eBay and Facebook are their home in Silicon Valley. However, there are other high-tech major regions in the United States. You might prefer a job with Microsoft in Seattle or with Amazon in Washington, DC, for example.

Research and Development

If you’re most interested in working in the medical, pharmaceutical R&D, or biotechnology sector, it is natural to feel at home in Raleigh Durham, North Carolina with GlaxoSmithKline. You may also like Maryland and Washington, DC, which are famous for their R&D sector. Here you’ll find the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institute of Health (NIH), and the United States Medicines Agreement (USP). Boston, Massachusetts is a center for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector and is home to more than 100 companies in this sector. If you want to head south, you can find oil giants like ExxonMobil in Houston, Texas.

Of course, the US job market is as large and diverse as the country itself. Everything is possible – so get out there and get acquainted with the situation to be able to decide where you want to work.

Use the freedom your Green Card gives you to the fullest! You are free to work in any field you want. You can continue your previous career or start a completely new one. Whether you want to be a freelancer, an employee, or start your own business – the doors of opportunity are always open to you in America!

Especially Popular Jobs in the USA

The United States is famous for being a land of unlimited opportunities and a vast job market that gives many people the opportunity to find their dream job. According to the United States Census Bureau, there were 159.8 million employees over the age of 16 as of May 2017.

The service sector in the USA creates most jobs for Americans.

Data shows that the retail sector employs most people in the United States with 4,528,550 sales representatives followed by 3,541,010 cashiers. Not far from the retail sector is the food industry that employs 3,426,090 food processors and fast food workers.

The job market in the United States is growing and constantly changing and you will surely find the right job for you if you know where to look.

Best-paying Jobs in America

The average earnings of fully employed males in the USA are $ 51,212 annually compared to females who earn $ 40,742. Average wages in the United States vary between men and women, ethnic groups and occupations. According to data from the 2014 salary estimation questionnaire conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 16 of the top 30 highest-paying jobs were in the medical field. Here are some of the highest-paying jobs in the United States and their potential for growth:

Applying for a job in the USA

The important thing while searching for a job is to keep applying time and time again. Gather a list of open jobs or job postings that interest you, and start writing and applying. The main goal is to make a good first impression on the HR employee or company so that you will be invited for a job interview. Once you reach the interview, you can personally convince the employer of your skill set. In today’s era, most applications are made online. Only a CV and cover letter in the US job application. Make sure to use the space you have to be creative and place yourself in a positive light!

Tip: Create a list of your essential skills that qualify in both your work and social life. They will greatly benefit you while writing your cover letter.

US Diversity Visa Program

The United States grants 80,000 green cards to foreigners instead
of 55,000 this year. Don’t miss the opportunity to live the American dream.
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